Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Some Different Principles between Shia and Sunni Islam In the world By Murni Sawa

People in the world have often classified Islam into two big streams; Shia and Sunni. The first has previously been followed only by most of the Iranian people and by few people in the surrounding middle-east countries. The latter, on the other hand, is the major stream which has been widely embraced by people all over the world. Despite its few similarities, Shia differs fundamentally from the Sunni Islam in several ways.

The first difference way between Shia and Sunni Islam, is in the using of hadits. Based on a book that is written by Siradjuddin ‘Abbas  (1983 : 252-253), explains that in the Shia Islam, they use the hadits that comes from Ahlul Bait or the family of Prophet Muhammad. They reject all of hadits that come from Abu Bakar, Umar and Utsman. Also, all of hadits that were said by Prophet Muhammad’s friendships who came from Bani Umayyah. But, in the Sunni Islam, they use the hadits that comes from the Prophet’s friendships, like; Abu Hurairoh. Usually, the hadits is recorded in a book of Bukhari and Muslim, Nasai, Ibnu Majah, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, Hakim, etc.

The second difference way between Shia and Sunni Islam, is in the receiving of the revelation from Allah. In the Shia Islam, some leaders of Islam—who were consisting of 12 people continued—were still received the revelation from Allah. They continued the work of Prophet Muhammad. Meanwhile, in Sunni Islam, the revelation has been broken since Prophet Muhammad has passed away, and the Islam’s law has not increase.

The Third difference way between Shia and Sunni Islam, is in the believing of a disappearing Islam leader. Shia Islam believes that there is an Islam leader who disappeared, and at any time, he will appear in order to maintains the justice and punish the guilty people. This stream is very sure that their twelfth leader is Muhammad bin Hasan Al Anshari, who disappeared on 19 years old and he will appear on the last period in order to maintains the justice. But, in the surrounding of Sunni stream there is no the believing such that case. They became a caliph because of a smart way and they passed away because of a normal case or were killed like the usual others people in the world.

The last difference way between Shia and Sunni Islam, is in the choosing of the first caliph (Khalifah). In the Shia Islam, the first caliph was Ali bin Abi Thalib who has passed away at 40 Hijriah. But, in the Sunni Islam, the first caliph was Abu Bakar Shiddiq who has passed away at 13 Hijriah.

As a result, there are so many different ways or principles between Shia and Sunni Islam, such as; in the using of the hadits, in the receiving of the revelation from Allah, in the believing of a disappearing Islam leader and in the choosing of the first caliph.

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